The Smokies Best

The Smokies Best
Our beautiful back yard!

December 17, 2010

Two New Attractions Coming to Pigeon Forge!

We are thrilled to learn of two new attractions that will be soon arriving in Pigeon Forge! 

The owner of the Titianic Pigeon Forge, John Joslyn, will be opening Water Magic directly across the street from the Titanic attraction. 
John Joslyn said, “When we came to East Tennessee last April, we had evaluated a number of tourism markets.  We have experience in Orlando and in Branson – so we truly believed our concepts would succeed here.  We’ve surpassed our projections here in Pigeon Forge in almost every way, so it should come as no surprise that we want to build our next major attraction right here.  I can assure you, Water Magic will exceed any of your expectations – this one is simply going to blow you away.

“Water Magic will be one of the world’s most innovative and magical family-themed attractions.  Full of water but not a water park – Water Magic will introduce a new dimension in family entertainment for all generations.”

The attraction will be eco friendly by recycling water, generating electricity and producing its own HVAC system.  Just like the TIntanic, it will be a structure you can't miss.  We'll keep you posted as this incredible attraction takes shape.

The second new attraction is kind of bittersweet.  We will be saying goodbye to the Black Bear Jamboree and hello to the Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Feud.  Fee Headrick Entertainment (The Mircale Theater, Magic Beyond Belief, and others)  is launching the new production in the Spring of 2011.  The show is loosely based on the true story of the famous Hatfield and McCoy feud. The audience will be divided into the Hatfield and McCoy families by special seating areas. The show will extend throughout the theater as the audience participates in the good natured rivalry. Dangerous and comical stunts will be performed throughout the show to add a special excitement. Singers, dancers, actors, musicians and specially trained stunt people will round out the cast. As with all Fee/Hedrick shows, this new show will have a family friendly atmosphere with a focus on fun.
“Our area is rich with Appalachian heritage,” said theater co-owner David Fee. “Mountain clans were a way of life here, and this show will showcase all that’s great about them!”
The building, which Fee and Hedrick purchased in 2002, will undergo a multi-million dollar renovation and transform in appearance into two neighboring hillbilly style mountain homes complete with a decorative moonshine still and barnyard animal areas. “We wanted a fun and whimsical look for our new dinner feud,” says Fee.
The theater lobby will also feature the largest moonshine still in the world – soon to be verified by the Guinness Book of World Records. “The Moonshine Still will be an interactive learning center that highlights the history of the mountain people, but interjected with lots of humor”, says Hedrick. “Our customers will have a better understanding of everyday life back in the hills, while making them laugh at the same time!”

We will keep you posted as these attractions develop!

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